7600 University Ave

Middleton, WI 53562

(608) 827-1090

Fire Department Office Line

(608) 286-0455

After-Hours OIC Line

Burn Permit

Burn Permit

Only clean untreated wood and vegetation may be burned. Burning of plastic, garbage, treated or painted wood, rubber or oily substances, building materials or structures of any kind is prohibited. The fire must be attended by an adult at all times. Fire extinguishers, garden hoses or other water sources should be available to assist in extinguishing the fire if needed. The fire must be extinguished by dusk. Please see your local burning ordinance online.

A burn permit is required to burn in the City of Middleton.

For further info, please contact your local jurisdiction.

All burn permit applications for the City of Middleton must be reviewed and approved by the Fire Chief prior to conducting a burn

Or complete Online

Township Burn Permit

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Property Owner Signature Acceptance:
By completing and signing this permit you acknowledge and agree to comply with the codes and rules governing burning for the City of Middleton.
This needs to be submitted to the Fire Department for review and approval. If approved, we will send you a copy of your signed burn

Within City Limits Burn Permit

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Please review the burning ordinance online for your township prior to burning.
Having an adult present at all times
Having a means of extinguishing the fire
Having the fire out by dusk
Property Owner Signature Acceptance